Friday, November 30, 2012

What To Do When You Have Hit the Wall

When you have CFS, fibromyalgia or any other chronic condition where fatigue is a problem, not getting enough sleep can multiply the feeling of being dead tired.  I am in that state right now after the Thanksgiving holiday week, not sleeping well because my husband has been out of town, and adding Christmas shopping to the frenzy of the past couple of weeks.  I have hit the wall.  Exercising is about the last thing I feel like doing right now.  So I am going to listen to my body and lay low, take a nap and see if I perk up later.  It definitely does not pay to "push through" when you are in this state.  If you keep pushing forward, your energy level will be even further depleted.  Little voices in my head say "you have so much to do, keep going" and I just have to say, "I'm done."  At the first opportunity I sit, or preferably, lie down.  I recommend this for anyone - too many times I have ignored what my body says.  When you hit the wall, do your self a favor.  Be kind to yourself and rest. It's Nap Time!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Amazing Scarves at Earthlover

Had a fun day of shopping with visiting family in Thomasville, Ga yesterday and hit my favorite store, Earthlover, first.  That fair trade store has so many amazing items from 64 countries.  I mentioned in a previous blog that their display of scarves form all over the world was fantastic.  Yesterday I finally picked one out for myself, although it took me a while to choose.  So colorful and made by craftspeople who need the work and can make a living instead of being on the street.  Here is the one I picked out:

I highly recommend checking out the Earthlover store in Thomasville or visit their website, for some fantastic gift ideas!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

What Brings You Joy?

Today I have been contemplating what brings me joy in my life - what gives me life, what sustains me, what do I do when I am having a bad day - a day when I am hurting physically or emotionally or spiritually.  For me it is family first, especially spending time with my husband or my daughter and twin 4-year-old grandchildren.  I call a friend.  I also turn to scripture for inspiring verses from the Bible.  Scripture verses have sustained me in the worst of times - when I thought I would never feel well or happy again.  Being around horses at the stable or sitting outside with one of my two kitties in my lap calms me and always makes me feel better.  A walk outdoors in the sunshine.  Doing work that you find rewarding - mine is my part-time job at the FSU School of Medicine.  Finding what brings you joy and what has meaning to you can be a way of starting on the road to wellness.  It can focus your attention away from illness and not feeling good to feeling a glimmer of hope and purpose.  Give it a try - What brings you joy????

My grandson at horse show

Monday, November 12, 2012

Cool Skinny Jeans for Grown-up Ladies (NYDJ)

I have a good friend who has been after me to try on some Not Your Daughters Jeans.  I had recently discovered Chico's So-Slimming Jeans, so I had not tried the NYDJs.  However, on a recent trip to Dillards, I passed by the NYDJ section and saw some really cute patterned skinny jeans.  Thinking to myself a) I would look ridiculous in those skinny jeans and b)someone with my shorter stature and full butt should never wear those jeans, I threw caution to the winds and took some to the dressing room.  Lo and behold, they looked pretty good!!  They didn't make my rear end stick out in an unflattering way.  I really love them.  They are a burgundy python print (very subtle) and there were other fabrics and prints, too.  I also tried on some NYDJ regular straight leg dark denims.  Looked good and felt comfortable.  I like the rise on NYDJs and the waist sits at a very flattering place on the hip.  Anyway, go check them out - here are the python print skinnies - they come in gray also.

NADH (Enada) for CFS (and fibromyalgia)-

One of my goals for this blog is to let people know what has been working for me in the treatment of my chronic fatigue syndrome.  Years ago I was using NADH as a supplement to give me more energy, then I stopped using it because it was fairly expensive.  However, I started using it again last fall and have noticed a big improvement in my energy levels.  I take 10 mg. a day.  It is fairly expensive, but if you buy it online you can save 50% from what you will pay in stores.  I am able to do 40-45 min of walking 5 days a week now.  One caveat - If I am feeling fatigued from stress or overdoing it, I do cut back my walking time or take a rest day until my energy levels are restored.  Here are a few articles about NADH:

In the future, I will be sharing other tips from living and thriving with a CFS diagnosis.  Here's to living a healthy and joyful life!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Top Five Fall Fashion Takeaways from NYC

The trip to NYC was great and eventful with the storm approaching.  Here is what I observed in the fashion arena:

1)  Boots!  Everywhere.  Short boots, tall boots, motorcycle boots, cowboy boots, flat boots, boots with heels.  Mostly black, brown, gray.  Fun and practical for cool weather.

2)  Leather!  Or imitation leather.  In all the stores.  We browsed in Soho and there were leather jackets, leather skirts, leather pants.  Very chic and warm, too.

3)  Scarves!  Just like I have talked about in previous blog posts.  Scarves are in and warm.  All colors and materials.  Tie them in unique and fun ways.  I bought an animal print one at J. Crew.

4)  Coats!  All kinds.  Trench, short, long, car, pea, double-breasted.  We may not need them much in Tally, but they can be a key fashion statement.

5)  Be Prepared!  OK, this isn't a fashion takeaway, but it is something I learned as a Girl Scout.  As Kenny Rogers sang in The Gambler, "Know when to walk away and know when to run...",  especially when it comes to a major hurricane like Sandy.  We bugged out by car in plenty of time to avoid the worst of the weather.  Thank you, God, for getting us home to Florida safely!