Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Healthy Option - Have A Smoothie!

There have been times during a flare of CFS that I did not feel like eating, but I knew had to build my strength back up.  Back in the 1980's when I was in the worst of the flare-ups, I lost a lot of weight and what I turned to was Ensure to take in some calories and nutrition.  Since then, I have discovered smoothies.  There are hundreds of recipes out there for smoothies - all you have to do is look on the intranet.  This is what works for me - I make up my own recipe based on what I have available and what appeals to me.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Shopping Fast

On January 1st, I vowed to not buy any clothes and shoes until July 1, 2013.  After one month, I am doing great.  Haven't bought anything.  Haven't really been tempted.  One day I found myself with a free day and, under different circumstances, I would have cruised through a store or two.  However, I found other things to do (like reading) and other errands to run.