Thursday, February 20, 2014

I am Slimmed, Lifted and Happy – the quest for the perfect jean

For those of you who have followed my several columns on finding the right jeans, including the yoga jeans, the leggings I loved at Anthropologie and the different types I have featured in my holiday and game day outfits on, have I got a jean for you!!!  I hadn’t given up on finding myself the perfect jean that made me feel sexy, too.  Yes, I love NYDJ jeans and have several pair.  But today I took a sojourn to Chico’s to see what was new.  I hadn’t been in there in about 5 months.  But I got a cataloge in the mail featuring some new kinds of jeans and pants, so I thought I would go check them out.

First of all, I tried on Chico’s leggings in black.  They pulled me in in all the right places.  The So-Slimming leggings come in black and denim.  Fabulous!  Here they are at $99:

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Top 5 Activities for New Retirees

I retired in 2007 and ever since then have been advising and coaching friends and relatives who are entering retirement.  I have wrestled my way through retirement, wondering what I am supposed to be doing and taking lots of different paths that have led to some good and not-so-good decisions.  So I thought I would share my top 5 ideas for those of you anticipating retirement or who are already retired and need some direction.  So here they are:

Saturday, February 15, 2014

It's Not About Me - What it’s like to be a grandmother to a child with autism

I cried all the way home from dropping off my 5-year-old granddaughter at her drama school.  I had kept up a good front while she was in the car, but inside I was crushed.  Her brother, and twin, had just looked at me, crying and screaming from the floor of the school hallway, saying “Go away, go away, YOU, go away!!!”

Any woman who is a grandmother will understand why this bothered me so much.  Normally when I pick them up from school, I get big hugs and grins and they yell out, “Nana!!” and it warms me to the core.  But today was different.  There were half-days-only of school and they were in after-school care  - the routine was different.  You see, my grandson has autism. Routine is very important to him.  If there is going to be a change in normal routine and you don’t give him a heads-up that day and prepare him, he does not respond well.

It just so happened that my daughter had forgotten to tell him I was picking his sister up early and she would pick him up later.  So when he saw me, he assumed I was picking him up early, too.  Also, the pre-holiday after-school program was having a Disco Party with loud music and he does not handle loud anything very well.  Normally he puts his hands over his ears in any stressful, new or loud situation.  So it was a Perfect Storm of circumstances for him to have a melt-down.  As he was screaming and rolling on the floor, kids were gathering and staring and one of the after-school teachers, who did not know what was going on said, “What, you aren’t taking them both?”  It was horrible for me, my grandchildren and teachers alike.  I had the teacher call my daughter and explain the situation and I got out of there quickly, so he could calm down.  When his mother arrived, he was fine and sitting eating a candy cane.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Why Do You Need a Life or Wellness coach?

It has occurred to me after talking to friends, family and associates that most people do not know what a life coach does.  Hence, they are reluctant to take the step, make the commitment and spend the money.  But they are stuck in some aspect of their life- in relationships, with their health, with a life transition, or they just need someone to encourage them and get them unstuck and moving.  That is what I do as a life and wellness coach.  I work with women who are struggling and need some direction.  And I like to do it with a spiritual twist.

I have been through a lot of challenges in my life, including divorce, single parenthood, chronic illness, retirement, and spiritual searching.  I have worked in the health field all of my adult life.  I have also been trained to help women create the life that they really want.  To be stronger, healthier, more energetic, and confident.  Are you tired of being tired?  Do you want to look and feel better?  Do you want more energy to play with your kids or grand kids?   Do you want better relationships? Do you need someone to give you a little kick in the pants (gently, of course!)?  My ideal clients are out there looking for me.  And I am looking for them. Are you one of them?  I hope so!  We can work together by phone, Skype, Facetime, e:mail, or in person.  Give me a call at 850-510-0173.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Feeling tired and know you have overdone it?

Recently I have been running in 10 different directions.  Doing things I want to do, but nevertheless, I am tired.  Lost my get-up-and-go. I know all the precautions I should take for overdoing things, so as not to have a CFS flare. But sometimes I just get caught up in all there is to do, and forget to pace myself.

My part-time job at the FSU College of Medicine has really picked up, I am writing a weekly column now for the online magazine, plus trying to get my coaching business going.  Not to mention the time I want to spend with my family and grandchildren and volunteering at the therapeutic riding stable.  Last week I had my first group coaching and teaching gig at a local church, requiring a lot of pre-planning and practice.  Housecleaning and grocery shopping are coming in a sad last place.  All this to say, I am grateful for the great things happening in my life right now.  Really grateful!  However, this week I have felt the exhausted feeling that tells me I have overdone it.

Friday, January 24, 2014

game day 2

game day 2

Maine New England top
$36 -

Brown jacket

NYDJ jeans

Tan faux leather boots
$43 -

Dorothy Perkins bracelet

Amicale scarve

Leather glove
$145 -

game day

Friday, January 17, 2014

Yoga Jeans?

What is blue denim and can bend like a pretzel?

If you are like me, you have multiple pairs of yoga pants.  I have my really nice Lucy yoga pants that I treat like kid gloves because I love them so much.  I have my Target yoga pants that have more cotton, are super comfortable and I have been known to go to the grocery in, although I hope I don't see anyone I know when I am there.  Then I have the all-cotton knit ones that I lounge around the house in, take naps in, are probably one size to large and wouldn't be caught dead in outside the house.  They all look like yoga pants.

Now imagine that you could find a pair of jeans that were so stretchy you could actually do yoga in them and they held their shape, don't ride up or down and you could wear them out to eat after a class?  Talk about double duty!  Now hard core yoga people may stick up their noses at them, but if you believe the reviews that I have online, their claims hold up.  They are called Yoga Jeans.  Now I know you are probably thinking I am talking about something like the pajama jeans at the local drug store.  Au contraire!  These are bona fide jeans you can get at Nordstrom's and you can find them in skinny, straight and bootleg, so you can go with whatever leg line is your favorite and looks best on you.  Here is what they look like:
Just add a cute blouse, sweater or tunic and boots or flats and you are ready to go.  I can't wait to try some myself!