Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pacing Yourself with CFS

Well, I am on my way to New York City on Thursday and am really excited.  The only thing I am wondering is how I am going to get a daily mid-afternoon nap in when I have a conference that lasts all day.  When you have fatigue, it is smart to have a daily rest time built into your day.  I take a nap most days between 2 and 4 p.m.  I do a little reading, then take a 30-40 minute nap and then am able to have energy the rest of the evening.  My friends and family know not to call me during this time.  I usually turn off the phone.  I did this even when I worked full-time - I either put my head down on my desk at lunchtime or a took a short nap when I got home from work.  My daughter would watch TV while I did this.

Pacing yourself is extremely important when you have CFS, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease or any other chronic illness.  When you have energy, don't do too much even if you are having a good day.  Have a nap if you need it.  Go to bed earlier if you are tired.  Listen to your body and don't overdue it or you will pay for it with several days of being totally exhausted.

So my plan is to leave the conference early on Saturday afternoon and catch a nap, so I can go to a Broadway show Saturday night.  We will plan our days while in NYC based on my energy levels.  My husband is used to this when we are on a trip and he uses my nap time to explore on his own, do work, or rest also. New York (and shopping), here we come!!!!

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